Topographic Surveys

Topographic surveys are among the most used survey types in the world. Such a survey is one of the many methods that are currently used in order to map different areas. It is mainly linked with the measure of different elevations that are present at various points in an area. The points will be used in order to be able to create a map.

What do You Use Topographic surveys for?

There are many different uses that can be highlighted but some are more important than others. We thus have 3 main categories that can be presented. Topographic surveys are going to be done for land, planning and development use. Different scales can be used based on the exact purpose why you are creating the new map.

Most of the construction projects are going to start with the use of a land or topographic survey. This is done so that the design stage of the entire process would gain help in deciding exactly what has to be done. The survey will tell you where you should build and will highlight features that might get in your way when constructing. In addition, the surveys will create maps that are really important when hiking or when you need something to orient yourself. Sea navigation will use them due to the easiness of understanding everything presented and on the whole we are faced with many different uses that can appear.

Creating Topographic surveys

Topographic surveys are usually going to cover really large land areas. The problem is that it will take a long time to gather all the data that is going to be needed. We can say that the good news comes from the fact that this is a lot easier now than it used to be in the past. Now we have access to different tools and methods that can assist the professionals into being a lot more efficient. The maps will be created much faster.

The first step is always establishing horizontal and vertical controls. Then the surveyor will locate features that are found inside control areas and make sure that they are going to be added to the survey. The next step is collecting the actual data. After this every piece of information is going to be properly formatted so that design criterion is met. The last step is actually finishing the topographic surveys and printing them. Together with the survey the specialists are also going to offer different possible reports. The reports are going to be mainly based on the initial purpose of the survey.

In conclusion we need to say that there is no actual need to understand exactly how a topographic map is going to be created. What is important is to understand the benefits that are attached. We can say that the biggest ones are linked with constructions as the information that is received is going to dictate the entire course of the excavation process and will even be important until the end of the entire project.